Need a Kick-Start to move your brand, your business model or your in-market results forward faster?
Not sure where to start? We get it; we can help!
We leverage over 50 years of collective operational know-how to help you successfully execute on your strategic imperatives – your brand, your business, your new ideas, your customer experience, your in-market impact.
Each Kick-Starter will propel your business forward.
Our full day facilitated workshops with you and your team can literally kick-start your efforts.
- Galvanizes your team’s understanding, focus, and commitment to driving your greatest assets.
- Enabling you to reach your key goals and milestones faster.
Who it's for
High-growth companies looking to propel their teams forward to address rapid growth, new competition, changing markets, customer needs or new business realities.
How We Do It
- On-site, full-day, interactive facilitated think-tank session
- With your cross-functional leadership team
What You Get
- Shared team vision with aligned next steps, drivers & timeline
- Synthesized plan-on-a-page (POP) to ensure your entire organization is in sync
- Implementation plan, identifying critical action steps
Kick-Starters Available:
Brand Kick-Starter
– Clarify what your brand stands for in customers minds and identify key opportunities to strengthen it.
- Your brand promise, values and personality
- Your customer target and needs
- Your brand’s key messages
Kick-Start In-Market Wins
– Clarify your greatest opportunities and how to achieve them in the next 90 days.
- Your most impactful opportunities in next 90 days
- The critical actions to make the most of those opportunities
- Clarity and commitment on who is driving each action
Business Model Kick-Starter
– Clarify your unique value proposition and identify key opportunities to strengthen it.
- Your key customer target(s) & unique value proposition(s)
- Your key capabilities, resources & partners
- Your cost and revenue model
Innovative Kick-Starter
– Rapidly advance your new ideas via proven customer driven, lean innovation practices.
- The critical pain-points you solve for customers
- Prototypes co-created with your customers
- Launch plan for your minimal viable product
Customer Delight Kick-Starter
– Clarify your customer experience principles and identify key opportunities to strengthen them, thus delighting your customers.
- The fundamental needs & wants of your customers
- Your customer experience guiding principles for frontline behavior
- Your implementation plan, enabling your employees to deliver delightful experiences